THB - Transcendent Hypno Beats...

A luxurious blend of heartwarming, heart-opening Ceremonial Cacao, stirred through with melodic house music, overlayed with deeply healing hypnotherapeutic voice delivered right to your ears to take you on a wonderous journey into your heart...

I hope that was inspiring enough. Mouth-watering even, a deep bodily knowing and feeling from just reading those words.

This is what we bring.

A rare, unique even, mixture of Cacao Ceremony, House music and FreeMind Rapid Change Hypnotherapy. All lovingly swirled through to create something sumptuous, nutrient-dense and packed full of compassion, heart and healing.

Each layer of this ceremonial, deeply healing experience has been thought about and brought together to enable you to get exactly what you need.

The Cacao served with respect and love to enable the heart to open both spiritually and physically (more on that below).

The music is curated live, in the moment, tuning into the mood of the room.

The silent disco headsets cutting out the background noise, and enable the music and the voice to rest deeply into the psyche.

And the voice guiding your journey to help you sink, drift, and relax more deeply within yourself. No place to be, no thing to do, just follow the voice and be carried inward

This space combines the best of group experiences whilst enabling you to have an individual experience.

Who are we

We are THB - Transcendent Hypno Beats.

3 men, on their path, doing their work, combining our unique skill sets, and talents to make something that is truly greater than the sum total of its parts.

We've brought our experiences together through 2023 and created something both beautiful and incredible.

Serving Cacao and journeying with groups (so far) of up to 80 people so far this year. Creating retreat spaces, hosting corporate wellbeing days as well as these public offerings.

We take what we do both seriously, and lightly. Exploring the greatest ways for you to have the greatest heart-led experience along the way, giving you the space to do your inner work.

Matt Hillier - Humble Bear

Matt ‘The Humble Bear’ Hillier is a certified life & spiritual coach, and soul alignment mentor as well as an Angelic Reiki, Theta Healing practitioner and cacao ceremony facilitator.

Bringing the medicine of Cacao alive to the space with drum, with ceremony, with heart.

Nathan Simmonds

FreeMind Rapid Change Hypnotherapist specialising in inner-child healing. Also, an ILM Leadership Coach, Psychonaut and inner explorer.

Bringing a mix of curated meditational experiences that enable people to access the deep and beautiful parts of their subconscious mind so they can bring more of themselves to life in this life.

James Mackie

Brighton-based DJ, music producer and sound nerd.

A regular on the weekend scene on the south coast, as well as the occasional drop around Europe. Creating live, organic sets that underpin the beautiful experience we bring.

“Ceremonial cacao expands your ability to connect with whatever you want to connect with.” - Keith Wilson

Each of us brings something unique and special to this space. Our experience, our love for what we do and our compassion for others.

The truth is we've all had our moments in time when things got too much, broke us down, still break us down. And as a result of that, we know how important it is to create these spaces. We've created a space for others to do their work, to have a space to melt away the tension, and the stresses and reconnect with their hearts.

To enable others to rest, restore, recalibrate and come back stronger with an open, expanded sense of heart and self.

What is Cacao?

Cacao is the purest chocolate you can get.

With all of the good nutrients left in, with minimal human intervention as possible.

It is the forgotten plant medicine that assists you with the journey into your heart. Cacao was known to the Ancient Mayans as a powerful heart opener and potent healer. Revered as an ancient plant medicine, a wisdom keeper, a teacher and facilitator.

As a substance it's psychoactive, but not psychedelic, it does not take you on its trip, but facilitates your own. So it perfect for deepening your yoga and meditation practice!

when we sit with this heart-opening medicine it allows us to move towards the fullest expression of who we truly are… and this can be catalytic in removing barriers in all areas of your life; relationships, career, personal growth, creativity, or wherever your focus is.

Ultimately, Cacao can help deepen your connection to your heart, and expand your capacity to love and be loved. And not just spiritually or metaphorically. Biologically!

When drinking Cacao you will experience around 40-60% more blood flow to the brain and an increase in heart rate, taking us from the head to the heart.

Cacao helps your body process nitric oxide which enhances blood circulation and improves the cardiovascular system. Increased blood flow brings increased oxygen, nutrients and prana (life energy) to our mental space.

Cacao also has ‘flavonoids’ which Harvard studies have proven to enhance thought and memory.

My personal experience with Cacao is that my mind is quieter with Cacao. The increased blood flow does not increase my typical mental patterns, rather the increased prana calms the mental chatter of the mind (the vrittis in Sanskrit) and opens portals to connect with our true intellect. From this place, we can feel ourselves from our space of inner knowing.

The Cacao moves our mind's energy from the cerebral cortex (the brain) and into the mind of the heart. The mind of the heart, which actually fires neurons nano-seconds before neurons are fired from the cerebral brain, is where our emotion-based decisions come from.

Rather than thinking of a solution, we feel a solution that we know is right for our inner knowing. Whereas we are conditioned to make decisions with our brain-mind, the cacao facilitates this awareness of our heart-mind and allows us to connect with this space of love and emotion on a more consistent basis.

Going beyond personal emotions to understand the love in all emotional fluctuations, becoming love itself, we begin to sense the greater possibilities for heightened awareness that creates a feeling of transcending the more mundane aspects of existence. A journey to reflect and bask in self-love you have nourished and created, honouring your own personal sun.

Looking to illuminate the parts of you which are longing for more light and more love.

A Cacao gives us time for ourselves in a hectic and stressful world. It is the perfect space to switch off the outside chaos and journey into the silence, so that we can become clearer of who we are, where we are going, and the opportunities available to us.

Whether you're looking for help shifting an emotional blockage, needing to let go of a past experience, dissolve negative energy or you simply want to lift your spirits, these events can provide the focus you need to re-align with who you really are, and get back on track. Through this practice, we will come into a harmonious union aligning ourselves to our true nature. You will leave the practice feeling spiritually inspired, emotionally empowered and expansive….ready to live life the life that wants to live you!

When using Cacao as a facilitator we allow nature’s wisdom to guide us in shifting our perceptions and dreaming our world into being! Now is the time to reveal yourself to yourself.

As the Hopi Elders stated: “We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for.”

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Nathan Simmonds

Founder of Spirit Medicine, a qualified ILM Leadership coach and trainer with over 15 years experience in FTSE 250 organisations. He's also a FreeMInd Rapid Change Hypnotherapist specialising in inner child trauma and healing.

Combining his knowledge of how the brain and the mind work with his personal explorations with the most powerful psychedelics on the planet, he's created this complete experience to help others do their work safely, quickly and deeply.

Matt Hillier

Matt ‘The Humble Bear’ Hillier is a certified life & spiritual coach, soul alignment mentor as well as and an Angelic Reiki, Theta Healing practitioner and cacao ceremony facilitator.

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