As this year's collection of journeys poured out of me and the accessibility of AI creation... an Oracle Deck was born. The first of many yet to come.

The speed at which I have created this year has been quite something. Admittedly some things have paused and all the creative focus has been given to this. But this has only been boosted by the onset of AI.

Both Chat GPT, supporting with research and pulling together of information (yes, I have been fact-checking this) and also Midjourney AI 'art' creations.

And because of all this with the tools quite literally at my finger fingers to bring this to life. something quite transformative and magical has been birthed.

'Spirit Medicine' - Spirit Animals, Chakras & Ceremony

This is the first deck of many.

Over the last 3 years, I've had a lot of fun creating and crafting new experiences for people every New and Full Moon. Making the most of the opportunity to write creatively. To document and shape a script, weaving in imagination as well as hypnotic language to help people really create deep inner transformation.

Not everyone agrees with scripts for hypnosis. For me, I just love writing and crafting and shaping and exploring and my mind works best (right now) in the written word in this way.

But there's also another beauty in this.

An accessibility for more people to read, and enjoy.

And this is where the Oracle Deck really falls into its own space.

Firstly, each guided journey is written as a short story, with relaxation techniques woven in, and suggestions to slow things down and pause. with self-hypnosis prompts in there to let the active imagination really come to the fore and explore each short journey.

And yet, each journey has coaching questions dotted through them, so from the relaxed place of reading them, you can use them as journalling prompts to help your mind clarify and expand.

So each story helps the reader go deeper within.

But if you're leading meditation, yoga nidra, leading hypnotic journeys you can also use them scripts to lead others.

Secondly, there is an oracle card to support each journey. So as this grows and develops you'll be able to pull a card, read the story and in time as all the recordings are completed you'll be able to plug straight into a super deep, super powerful guided journey to activate the gifts of the card.

This is a simple example of a styled blockquote. A blockquote tag typically specifies a section that is quoted from another source of some sort, or highlighting text in your post.

How is this deck structured?

The first (nearly) 40 cards are Animal Spirits... I say nearly as Vol. 5 'Arctic & Fire' also include the Sun and the Moon, along with some mythical creatures.

Following this, 13 Chakras - Earth Star to Divine Gateway Chakra

The last 11 and then ceremonial activations and enablers. The 7 Directions, all 4 elements, Pacha Mama, Father Sky etc.

Giving a total of 64 meditative journeys to explore

How do they work?

The deck itself when it's finished will come with its own separate guidebook, with invitations and suggestions on how to use the deck itself.

How to use it as a 1, 2, 3 and 4 card spreads. While also assisting you in crafting a 'Medicine Wheel' type of experience for yourself and for others. Combining the cards and weaving in the guided journeys.

I'll also be providing an insight into using this with a Tarot Deck as well if that's your thing.

Nathan Simmonds

Founder of Spirit Medicine, a qualified ILM Leadership coach and trainer with over 15 years experience in FTSE 250 organisations. He's also a FreeMInd Rapid Change Hypnotherapist specialising in inner child trauma and healing.

Combining his knowledge of how the brain and the mind work with his personal explorations with the most powerful psychedelics on the planet, he's created this complete experience to help others do their work safely, quickly and deeply.

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