What is the 12 Chakra System?

What are the 12 Chakras?

Most people are aware of the 7 Chakra system; Root to Crown. Yet, the 12 Chakra system helps us to extend this beyond our physical body and start to bring awareness and attention to our energetic body and our spiritual connectedness. Drawing in the energy of the Earth Star below our feet. All the way up, beyond the Crown to include the Soul Star, Universal, Glacatic and Divine Gateway.

The follow text is an extract of Vol 6 & 7 of the Spirit Medicine Journeys

Understanding Chakras...

The term "Chakra" originates from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel." In various eastern traditions and studies, Chakras are synonymous with Prana life force, Chi, or Qi-energy.

Wikipedia refer to it as; Chakra in Shakta tantrism means circle, an "energy centre" within.

Anodea Judith, therapist and spiritual teacher describes the chakras as “the architecture of the soul,” and the “organs in the energetic body”.

They are a constellation of energetic points within and around the physical body, with key points that all people have within their systems, in similar locations.

Essentially, Chakras represent points or pathways through which energy or life force flows within us. In total there are 114 documented chakra points in the human system.

These energetic points play a crucial role in maintaining balance on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Unfortunately, imbalances or blockages in these chakras have become increasingly prevalent due to factors resulting from various degrees of trauma, resulting in stress, self-sabotaging habits, and disruptive energy patterns. If left unaddressed, these encoded traumas can escalate into more severe physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments.

The 12 Chakra System

Most people work on the common 7;

1. Root, 2. Sacral, 3. Solar Plexus, 4. Heart, 5. Throat, 6. Third Eye and 7. Crown.

While others talk about a 12 or 13 chakra system. These often include an extended pillar of energy centres including one below and a number above these common 7.

Beginning with the 0. Earth Star Chakra which exists below the Root. Then rising up above the Crown into the 8. Soul Star, 9. Spirit, 10. Universal, 11. Galactic, and 12. Divine Gateway Chakras.

NB To make it easier for people to access these energy centres and ways of being I have created guided meditations for each of these 13 Chakras as part of the Spirit Medicine Series.

The first 8, Earth Star to Crown are in Vol 6 and the last 5 in Vol. 7.

The true potential to clear your chakras exists in the conscious awareness of the moment - Della Reside

Each Chakra is a representative of an aspect of our being, of our true nature.

The root of security, the sacral of creativity, the solar plexus of confidence/inner power, the heart of love for oneness, the throat of self-expression, the third eye of intuition and the crown for spiritual connection.

Each one has its own unique flavour, its own focus and when we focus on it, we can create more of that in our awareness. As the saying goes;

“Where the focus goes, energy flows”.

Each Chakra becomes a metaphorical doorway in which to experience and ignite more of what they represent in our inner worlds.

And whether you believe in Chakras and energy centres or not, it doesn’t matter.

The invitation is for you to sit in what they represent. As you do, feel what those aspects feel like; feeling more secure within yourself, sensing what creativity feels like, or confidence and love in your heart for you and everyone else.

You can expand this awareness and capacity within you, no matter what you believe, you can feel it there. With that intent, as you focus on these aspects, like the Solar Plexus, you create more confidence. Its energy builds within you. And this is true of each of the Chakras in turn.

Sit with it, see what comes up, and feel into what you tune into

Front & Back of the Chakras

Something else I have really enjoyed feeling into and exploring is how we experience and direct our Chakras outwardly and inwardly. Thanks goes to Wendy De Rosa, founder of the School of Intuitive Studies, for bringing this to my attention in an online article she contributed to.

Getting me to really think in new ways about how the Chakras reflect inwardly and outwardly.

By taking this time to shift our energetic perspectives we can really explore different aspects of our Chakras and the way in which we bring attention and intention to them and the world around us.

In summary, the front and back of the Chakras is only relevant to the 6 lower chakras of the common 7. Starting with the Root up to the Third Eye.

Those Chakras outside of this, including the Crown, are working more as funnels and conduits to draw energy into the system, rather than out into the world.

Yes, I give some insights into this here, but take this even deeper inside the meditative journeys within the books.

The idea is to give different perspectives and awareness to each Chakra centre. Different things that could be used and/or incorporated in order to support your energetic development.

As always, take what is useful, leave what isn’t, and change the words to fit how you see or interact with this expression.

Make them fit for you so you can make the best use of them to expand and express yourself even more fully along this evolutionary path that you’re walking.

Earth Star - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

0. Earth Star - Vasundhara "Daughter of the Earth"

Location – some say 6 inches beneath the feet, some say 6-18 inches beneath the Root Chakra when in a cross-legged position.

Colour - black when dormant and some say magenta (purplish-red) or deep rich brown when open and healthy.

Think of the Earth Star Chakra as an extension and amplification of the Root Chakra, sometimes referred to as the super root.

This helps to manage your energy, by filtering and harmonising any negative energy and to draw upon the positive, stablising energy of the Earth. This builds a feeling of connection to the Earth and draws the Soul down connecting it to the Earthly energy.

1. Root Chakra – Muladhara

Location – Located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae.

Colour – Deep vibrant red.

Front – Survival, safety, and trust.

Back – Receiving and abundance.

The primary function of the Root Chakra is to connect you physically, to the world. It is the first of the 7 chakras inside the body and connects you to the Earth star and the Earth in turn.

Its core aim is to provide security and stability within.

Root - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

Primal survival. When it’s out of balance we don’t feel these things.

An overactive Root Chakra might be triggered by sensations of inadequacy or discontent. Or even by ‘basic’ needs not being met like extreme hunger and physical suffering.

Sacral - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

2. Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana

Location – Lower belly, close to the reproductive organs.

Colour – Orange.

Front – Sexuality, creativity, and emotions.

Back – Trusting the flow of life.

The Sacral Chakra is about creativity and creative potential, the reproductive organs, and emotional balance. Handling emotional regulation, passion, and sexuality; the ability to feel and pursue pleasure.

A blocked Sacral Chakra can manifest itself primarily in the reproductive organs, the kidneys and the bowels. Potentially creating difficulties in accepting new people or experiences into our lives. And stopping us from expressing ourselves creatively and sexually.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura

Location – The Solar Plexus.

Colour – Yellow/Gold

Front – Action taker in the world.

Back – To confidently manifest our true calling in the world, with a sense of support from Source.

Solar means Sun, Plexus means a complex bundle of nerves. This region of the body is like a central board of all the energetic nerve endings coming together. Sending and receiving from within and from without.

Solar Plexus - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

This Chakra supports the digestive system and organs. But also, emotionally drives and powers our confidence, courage, and self-belief. When we truly step into this, we engage, activate and fire up our personal inner powerelf-sovereignty becomes our truth. We become unstoppable.

Heart - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

4. Heart Chakra – Anahata

Location – The Heart, centre of the chest.

Colour – Lower Green/ Higher Pink.

Front – Kindness and compassion.

Back – Self-love and hearing the whispers of our heart.

The Heart Chakra is a unique entity in the energy system in the sense that it acts as a bridge between the lower and higher Chakras. The lower Chakras connect to Earth and Soul and the higher chakras connect to Spirit and Source.

The Heart balances the physical and spiritual realm, bringing with it a calming and healing energy.

This space truly is about love and kindness.

5. Throat Chakra – Vishuddha

Location – The Throat.

Colour – Blue.

Front – Clear, self-expression.

Back – Deeply intuitive listening.

The Throat is the pathway, the channel of self-expression and how we communicate our wants, needs and boundaries with the world.

When clear, open and in alignment we can express ourselves authentically, free from fear and with honesty aligned so that we speak with compassion.

Throat - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

True, honest and clear. Speaking our deepest, highest truth.

Third Eye - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

6. Third Eye Chakra – Ajna

Location – Centre of the forehead.

Colour – Indigo.

Front – Thoughts, imagination, and wisdom.

Back – Clairvoyance.

The brow Chakra starts to really begin our ascent into the spiritual qualities of the Chakras. Here we can tap into intuition, vision and inner wisdom; tuning into our higher wisdom and higher self, trusting this wisdom and whispers that come forward.

Although associated with more spiritual reference here in the physical plane, it’s also associated with clear thinking and seeing things from different perspectives. Being considered and inclusive, listening intently.

7. Crown Chakra – Sahasrara

Location – Top of the head.

Colour – Violet.

This chakra is about faith, divinity, and infinite potential. Like a floating crown gently resting just above the head. It is our opening to divine higher cosmic higher wisdom to pour in. Like a funnel ready to receive, if active and open.

When in this receptive state, with our Crown open, we know that we are more than just this physical form.

Crown - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

We are a spiritual being having a human, soulful experience and we can draw on Spiritual Wisdom as we know that Divine energy is all around us, in everything we see, do and touch.

This is the only one of the primary 7 chakras that does not have a front or back, it is just the Crown, opening upwards to receive.

Soul Star - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

8. Soul Star Chakra

Location – 6 inches and two feet above the Crown Chakra

Colour - bright white

Sometimes referred to as the Halo Chakra. This is often the Chakra that is connected with and referenced when clearing past lives, or karmic debts. Working with the Soul Star is believed to be the access point Akashic Records, the great cosmic library of all that is, was or could be.

A cosmic data centre containing the details of your soul’s journey, and every possible variation of it. Focusing on this in meditation encourages you to cultivate peace and bring clarity to your purpose in life.

9. Spirit Chakra

Location – around two and a half feet above your head.

Colour - Turquoise

Also known as the Spirit Star it offers a profound connection with the divine. It facilitates communication with angels, light beings, and guides, representing the expansive spiritual realm.

Activating the Spirit chakra takes you even further byond your souls purpose by unlocking the full extent of your soul’s gifts and abilities.

Spirit Chakra - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

This direct connection to the divine enhances your manifesting and creative capacities, empowering you to tap into the vast potential within your spiritual self.

Universal Chakra - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

10. Universal Chakra

Location – around two and a half feet above your head.

Colour - Gold / Pearl white

This Chakra organises and supports all the universal aspects of being. Here, we experience a deep balancing, integration and merging of our masculine and feminine energies. Allowing us to come into a healthy balance of both.

When we activate the Universal Chakra we can align our physical energy with the energy of the Universe. And in this place, we can draw upon and activate within ourselves, greater resources of divine healing.

11. Galactic Chakra

Location – 2 to 15 feet above the crown.

Colour - Pink-orange or Platinum (White with pink rays)

It is believed that an activated Galactic Chakra enables you to transcend space and time, unlocking supernatural powers like teleportation, instant manifestation, and bi-location.

Galactic Chakra - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

Known for its association with time travel, this energy centre provides a gateway to communicate with higher spiritual beings.

Divine Gateway Chakra - Spirit Medicine Oracle Deck

12. Divine Gateway Chakra

Location – two feet above the head, up to where the atmosphere meets outer space.

Colour - Diamond-like whiteness or multi-coloured, shimmering energy

This ultimate point on the chakra journey, often referred to as the Stellar Gateway Chakra, signifies complete ascension and the attainment of oneness with the divine.

This powerful energy centre acts as a gateway to the vast cosmos, offering limitless possibilities for exploration and connection. The outer reaches of the Divine Gateway Chakra are ever-expanding, symbolised by radiant multi-coloured orbs of light. It is through this sacred portal that direct communication with the Divine is most accessible

Remember, it's all just metaphor. All ways to explore yourself even more deeply. To activate even more powerfuly this skills, attributes and ways of living.

No right, no wrong.

Just a place of curiosity to be felt into and if you'd like to some super easy, gentle ways to explore this even further you can;

Moon Medicine journeys are a super safe space held on the New & Full Moon, all over Zoom.

Using super deep hypnotic relaxation, guided meditations and curated music to take you on a inner journey to help unlock your inner strength, power and wisdom.

Activating the powerful parts of the subconscious mind to actualise long-lasting, positive change in your life.

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Spirit Medicine Vol 1 - 8... is a series of 64 self-coaching, self-hypnosis journeys, written as short stories, with coaching questions to journal on, and affirmations to help strengthen the subconscious mind. And at the same time, they cna also be used as meditaiton scripts if you're leading others on their inner journeys.

A super gentle and super powerful approach to your own personal development and wellbeing.

Get your copies HERE

Nathan Simmonds

Founder of Spirit Medicine, a qualified ILM Leadership coach and trainer with over 15 years experience in FTSE 250 organisations. He's also a FreeMInd Rapid Change Hypnotherapist specialising in inner child trauma and healing.

Combining his knowledge of how the brain and the mind work with his personal explorations with the most powerful psychedelics on the planet, he's created this complete experience to help others do their work safely, quickly and deeply.

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